Kenali|Rangkai|Pakai (recognize I Bundle I Use) or abbreviated KRP is an independent community that was formed with purpose of conducting various project to development types of instrument or media-based art. Media in this condition, its not only from music development, but also include visual, lighting, and artistic. KRP concern of applied technology on variety of arts, this can be made independently from artist.

These ideas emerge when looking at the development process of exploration of the art form. Fine range of exploration is recorded in non-formal aspects of the technology that is not commonly used in a variety of performing arts have never reached the maximum limit of its development. It makes KRP need to be present as an "operating room" that will share their knowledge about the manufacture of a variety of technical media that can be used to make the process of experimentation in all forms of art.

2011 its time to KRP to make some project, KRP will be activated and deployed a variety of workshops in various places. The concept presented by discover | package | Wear is more than learn together and share knowledge.
Long-term ideal KRP later built a comfortable place that we call: camera workshop, where anyone who wants to build your hardware autonomously can direct the process of building, and the experiments of construction equipment.

KRP also have plans, will be able to accommodate individuals who wish to produce creative hardware with the quantities of production limited (limited) and provide space for the workshop as exhibition space. KRP as "operations room" is also open to the discussion of the development of space technology for the arts, experimental, up to a small performance space.

*Hardware 2nd class: is a term of KRP for hardware production of hardware at affordable prices, and the replacement of materials as much as possible, so that anyone can build / buy without an economic burden